Recruit top talent through your employees ⚡️

A digital platform to boost referral

Maximize the impact of your referral program and get all your employees on board with your personalized platform.

Your job offers are visible internally, and your employees can recommend their network in 30 seconds.

To make it even simpler:

3 times more referrals received

following the introduction of Keycoopt System


A 100% integrated tool
for your HRIS world 🔌

Manage your referral program from your usual HR tool!

Your digital referral platform is integrated with your other recruitment tools (ATS, multidiffuser, CRM…).

You benefit from the power of a new recruitment channel, without spending time on another tool.

You don’t have a TTY?

Your digital referral platform allows you to easily post your ads and manage your recommendations, just like a “mini ATS”:

Engage your employee community without you having to worry about it. 💪

News feed, referral challenge, automatic newsletter, gamification, on-boarding of new employees, rewards management…

Everything is in place to ensure that your community of referrers is regularly animated and remains committed to your referral program.

A helping hand :

The Keycoopt System team is at your side, even when you’re not using your platform! We provide you with all the media you need to communicate your program in your company: posters, flyers, kakemonos, launch video…

Equipe RH

An expert dedicated to your referral program ✨

Your Customer Satisfaction Manager is at your side before, during and after the launch of your platform and at every stage of the project:

Ready to make the switch to better, simpler, faster and cheaper recruitment?

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